Thursday 6 May 2010

What to do with pig legs and a Betty

Life can be hard enough when you have short legs but when the thigh area is a power house of unwanted muscle stemming down to a super sized calf with no gap between said calf and ankle, things can really get downright difficult. Winter months are passed in a delerium of ankle and knee length boots, sometimes teamed with an even longer wooly sock (I love nothing mire than weather cold enough to warrant a thick knee length sock, heaven!) yet as April approaches the fear is soon realised that shortly, boots will no longer do. Harsh times. As if the trotter effect were not curse enough I am also blessed with an unsightly bunion whom I refer to as Betty. Oh yeah, now you really feel sorry for me I can feel it but Sometimes life deals you a duff and you just have to roll with it. So what is a poor pig legged girl to do in these warmer months? I have still to find the answer I'm afraid. Today i'm sporting some rather dashing gold flat pumps. Even with gel cushioned soles added to the heel and some carefully considered tummy tucking and walking high I am unable to prevent the effect of a baby elephant hungrilly staggering toward it's mother who happens to be holding a Big Mac. Darn these legs, and you too are included here Betty. As if the inability to walk were not enough, Betty has to go and add her two pence by cutting up my feet and making them ache all day. What's a girl to do ey?

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